
Tukaj so vidni članki, ki smo jih napisali preko šolskega leta. Napisani so bili v sklopu predmeta ITS B in so nastajali v šolskem letu 2022/2023. Teme so bile vnaprej določene v okviru predmeta likovna umetnost.  

Symphony of light

What is colour? Colour is perception, memory, aesthetic and expression. In each state it depends on the individual’s interpretation, yet it represents both an ordinary and special foundation of life, symbolised within my photographs.

Beauty of exercising

The first toy I have ever held as a toddler was a ball. I have been loving sports my whole life, therefore I adore sports photography. But what even is sports photography? It refers to the genre of photography which covers all types of sport. Dedicated sports photographers usually work in magazines, newspapers and advertising.


Why landscape photography is so fascinating?

Landscape photography is one of the most amusing branches of photography. It is the art of capturing pictures of nature and the outdoors in a way that brings your viewer into the scene.

Photographing the animal world

Animal photography. It sounds easy, right? Well, it might be, however there are few things you have to be careful about.